CompChem-Database: database administration

On this page, you can add new MolDB6 data collections and edit existing ones.

Available data collections:

Current selection:
ID number:2
Name: ChEBI Database
Description: This data collection was imported from an SDF file.

  Draw structure formulae in the structure editor, add textual data.

  Export data collection entries in SDF or RDF format, respectively.


Add a new data collection with identical settings:

  Create a new, empty data collection with the same data fields as the currently selected one.


Add a new data collection with the following settings:

Name max. 80 characters
Type (SD = structure+data, RD = reaction+data)
Number of digits for bitmap files (e.g. 8 for filenames like 00000123.png)
Number of digits for subdirectories  (e.g. 4 for something like 0002/00020123.png)
Trusted IP addresses
a comma-separated list of max. 10 IP addresses (for extended administrative privileges)